Consult a Specialist

In the labor field the remuneration is seen as the benefit in money or the species that receives the worker for the service or work provided to the company that hires him. In our firm has developed the Schemes of Remuneration with the strict adherence to the different tax provisions in order to provide legal security that at the same time represent a saving in the company or business allow its growth

Our Services

  • Presentation of Affiliated Movements before the IMSS.
  • Calculation of Payroll, determination of settlements and settlements.
  • Payroll Dispersion.
  • Payroll Letter.
  • Determination and Compliance of Contributions, payments and Contributions IMSS, INFONAVIT.
  • Calculation and Presentation of the Statement of Work Risk.
  • Presentation SATIC.
  • Counseling and Legal Defense, Labor and Fiscal.
  • Elaboration and Implementation of Internal Regulations of Work.
  • Among other related activities.